Thursday, September 2, 2010

Miracles on Jr. High Street

Sometimes, a miracle happens and we think…”Is this a miracle? Or just a CRAY-ZY coincidence?”

Sometimes it is so obvious it’s a miracle we are dumbfounded, and just don’t know what to think.

J starting Jr. High has brought so many miracles that I am seriously dumbfounded.

Me! Dumbfounded!

That just doesn’t happen people.

The definition of dumbfounded is: To be struck dumb with astonishment and surprise.

Yeah, not me.

But nonetheless I have finally found the words to blog about it.

It all started when J got his schedule for Jr. High. Our Jr. High is a pretty big school with many different wings. When my son M attended he was running from one end of school to the other…barely making classes and exhausted at the length of his walk.

But not J.

All of his classes are in ONE WING!

Again: One. Wing. (Well except PE in the gym…but all the others…ONE>WING>

Seriously, unheard of. Even his teachers at his 504 meeting were perplexed how that worked out.

So that was miracle #1.

Miracle #2 came during his 504 meeting. I was discussing his accommodations, excited and surprised everyone was amazing and on board…I got to the glucagon and nonchalantly showed them how it worked. I told them how it was SO no big deal and then went on to ask who would like to try a shot. Mrs. N raised her hand. “I’ll be the glucagon person. My classroom is right in the middle of his other classes, and I have 2 daughters that are Type 1.”


Her daughters are in their 20’s now, but they were diagnosed at ages 4 and 6.

I don’t care what you say…THAT is a miracle.

The next miracle came on the second day of school. J’s PE teacher wasn’t able to attend the 504. Yeah, not cool. But the councilor said he would let her know that she needs to meet with me asap. J didn’t have PE on the first day of school, because they are on a block schedule. 1st-3rd period on A days. 4th through 6th period on B days. The second day of school he walked into gym and sat down.

This teacher explained that she is a High School gym teacher and is here at the Jr. High for just this one class. Then she went on to explain that she might be eating during class because SHE IS A TYPE 1 DIABETIC!!!!!!!!!


After class J introduced himself, she gave him a high five and talked to him about his pump a bit.

Yesterday J had is first low during PE. They ran for over an hour non-stop and J knew he was dropping fast. He went up to his teacher and she told him that he never needs to ask; he can just go to the first aid box and grab whatever food he needs. After he ate he started to walk another lap and his teacher ran out and stopped him. She told him there were only a few minutes left of class and he should get some water and sit to get his blood sugar up.

Believe in miracles much?

I do.


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