Friday, June 18, 2010

Meri's Soap Opera...These are the days of her life...

It wasn’t pretty people.

We had an offer on our house. They people LOVED our house. They paid for all the inspections. They even had the appraiser there that morning…so we felt good.

We had found the perfect house. In the perfect location. With the perfect amount of space.

Hello…I’m not exaggerating…PERFECT.

We put in an offer.

We were elated hoping they would accept it. We had full on perma-grin for two hours.

Yeah, only for two hours.

Because two hours after we put an offer in a house, we were called with the news that OUR buyer suddenly backed out. So we had to take the offer for our dream house off the table.

It was over that quickly.

So I did what most people would do in my situation…I felt sorry for myself.

But since I’m not like most people, I then I took it a step further. I went through all the emotions of a catastrophic event. I was able to keep most of it to myself, but man, it was like my brain was on rocket fuel…ready to take off to outer space at anytime.

You might not believe this…but I was feeling SO sorry for myself I couldn’t even blog. I know! GASP!! Or even…get this…read others blogs. I even wasn't that keen on facebook either. That is pretty serious in my book.

I was in my self-pity/depressive/why is life so unfair state.

So since I couldn’t sleep I grabbed the only book on our bookshelf I hadn’t read…a John Grisham book my husband bought for our trip last year that he never opened.

For two days I read. I read and read…trying to keep my mind off the real world. Trying to change my dreams from houses to courtrooms, and to some degree it worked.

I finished the book last night at 1am. The ending sucked. The bad guy came out on top. It WAS NOT the ending I had been waiting for.

My husband tried to use it as a parable. He said sometimes we don’t get the ending we want in books and in life.

It was really hard not to karate chop him in the neck.

He then said we could have bigger things to deal with. He mentioned some of my blogging friend’s families who have had difficult times lately.

Even though he was entirely right…I REALLY wanted to karate chop him then.

Too bad I don’t know karate.

I don’t know why I’m putting all my selfishness out on the table for the world to see…but I needed to document it for some reason. Maybe I need to get it all down so I can move on.

I’m going to do my best to catch up on what is surly 100 blogs that I have missed this week. I think that last sentence nicely attests to the fact that I have been completely self indulgent in my misery because here I am writing a blog that many will read when I haven’t read anyone else’s for like 3 days or more.

But I think what is important here, is the fact that I’m feeling better today. I’m emerging from my funk and looking outward rather than inward. I’m back baby!!! And it feels good.

Back to square one. I have woken up from my WOE IS ME COMA and will now go on with my life.

Dramatic much?

Why yes, yes I am, thankyouverymuch.


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