Monday, May 21, 2012

A houseful of heroes

I live in a houseful of heroes.

The images of their valor and their wonderfulness are a clear snapshots in my mind.

It's in everything they do.

It's in everything they say.

It's in their smile, their laughs and their tears.

It's ever present.

How blessed am I to be surrounded by their optimism?

How blessed am I to witness their genuine determination, every day.  Every hour.  Every minute.

They make it seem easy.

Unfortunately, despite my awareness...I often take for granted everything they do.

M- He is a constant support.  Ask him to do anything...he will do it for you.  In a heartbeat.

J- My level headed boy who doesn't allow diabetes to define him.

B- Has never complained about his diabetes once.

L- His sweet heart wants only to give love and happiness to others.

Ryan- Despite cancer, he is working harder than ever.  The doctors are in awe of him.  As am I.

My efforts are so inadequate compared to their theirs.  I feel like I fail them all the time.

But I love them wildly.  No one can love them like I do.

My heart bursts from gratitude that they are part of my life.

I have a houseful of heroes.

Every day I have with them is a win.

Each memory we make is a blessing.

God forbid I waste the time we have together with anger and self pity.

We have too much to be thankful for.

And tonight, more than anything...I am thankful for my five boys.

Five heroes.  Five times blessed.

(On a side note, this is my 400th blog post.  Thank you for taking this ride with me...I know it hasn't been a smooth one, and yet you ride along anyway.  I'm thankful I can purge my deepest emotions here, and then leave them on the page as I go live a "normal" life.  Thank you for putting up with me, lifting me in my hardest times, and supporting our family in our victories.  Next to marrying Ryan, starting Our Diabetic Life has been the best decision of my life.  Here's to the next 400!)


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